Quick Update

NJN_Avatar_FbFirstly I just want to apologise that I have been absent for so long. I have had some crap going on in my life that just seemed to take over for a while. I Think most of it has been dealt with but now or will have been by the end of June. So I’m saying that the last half of the years should be better for me writing wise. I should have gotten my shit together and have the time to sit down and devote to my writing again.

I absolutely hate that I haven’t been writing as it’s usually the one thing I do to keep me sane when everything in my life goes to shit and lately that hasn’t been happening… But now I feel like I can finally breath again. I feel like me, which in all honesty I haven’t felt like me in such a long time… But I’m getting there.

I’m not sure what books I’ll be working on, so everyone will just have to bear with me as I try and work my way through them all and get them out to you. I will try and rotate through the three publishers that I have so that all my readers have a chance of their favourite stories getting heard… but feel free to drop me a line and tell me if it’s been yonks since I wrote a particular story and need to hurry the hell up and write the next one in the series. I won’t get offended if you feel the need to give me a good shove in any particular direction.