
Galley proof on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses is done and has been emailed back to Kris J at MLRPress. I hope I caught everything. I quite enjoyed the story as I was rereading it. Is it bad that I had forgotten what part of it was about? I realized there are 3 unanswered questions in my mind that I will have to address in the next two books so the will let the readers know what happened to certain characters.

So today I have to dig out the notes for the next to books and make sure I have spots for those questions to be answered, or it will drive me nuts. when the book comes out if anyone else reads something I didn’t quite answer. Please drop me a line and I’ll make sure to do so before the end of book 6.

For the rest of today I will be working on plot nots for my books. I’m deadly serious about being ready for 2021 to rock around and I can start rolling out new work. If I at least have the start and the ending of each book series it doesn’t really matter if the middle changes… just as long as I know where I was headed and where I need to be at the end of each installment.

Line Edits & Other News.

Today I have been doing Line Edits on Hidden Hearts 1: Harder & Harder to Breathe. Once I was done I sent them back to to Christie N at MLRPress. I hope I have finished with them now, but I think there might be at least one more round to go.

In other news: I’m still working on organising all the notes for my books so I can have them on hand when I need them. I have to buy some more white out ribbon because my beautiful granddaughter Grace likes to steal them and pull them apart. She thinks it’s hilarious. Then again, she is only two and small things amuse her so. I don’t have the heart to get cranky at her.

I’m running a little slow this month because I think I need new glasses. I’m booked n for my test on August 6th, so I have to hold out until then. I know once I get glasses I can actually see through properly I’ll be more productive.

Working On

I’ve been working on some back burner books to see if they are worth keeping. I’m trying to figure out what ones I’d actually like to keep working on in the future. I’m getting character pictures organized for each person in these stories, as well as any pictures of relevant houses or important things needed for the story.

I’m kinda of coming to terms with this year being a right off where my writing is concerned. I’m not saying that I won’t continue writing for the rest of the year, but I won’t get as much done as I had planned. I will get everything I can ready for the next year so 2021 will run more smoothly for me. I want to make sure I finish the books I have on my list for next year.

I have a lot of work ahead of me if I want to get all of this right. I’m usually not really one for plotting out, but lately I have been writing out notes as to how I want each story to go so I know where I was heading with each before I even start writing the story.

The more information I can have for myself on hand when I start writing, the better off I’ll be. I’m ready to get my writing world back on track. I’m probably going to need all the help I can get, but in the end it’s going to be all up to me… Wish me luck.