I’m Back

Okay, I have taken a short time out due to being down with Ross River Fever. I’m not quite over it, but I’m getting there. I didn’t get the 2020 writing finished that I wanted to, so I’ll have to rework some of my scheduling, but I’m okay with that. While I’ve been sick I have actually been thinking about all my future story lines and how important they are to me. I think I need to go through them again and get the already started ones finished and which of the new ones need to see the light of day first.

Also while I have been ill. A whole new story plot/world has been fighting for recognition inside my head. I know this one will be more along the lines of a couple f different series that all intermingle where characters and plots, nay cross over if needs be. And this will definitely be M/F but that not say there won’t be a M/M characters or F/F characters thrown in there somewhere. All I know for sure is that the main Characters in the first book are called McKenzie (Fury) Steele & Willow Rider.

I’m still waiting to hear back about the books still in line up for contracts. I’ll let you all know as soon as I hear anything. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer.