Checking In…

Okay, there are only 3 weeks left in 2022. So I’ve been busy going through both my blogs and trying to update them. I want to be ready to go for the new year. I’ve been seriously sorting through all my old story notes and trying to make some sort of sense of them. anything I think is rubbish is being tossed, and if I can incorporate some ideas into other stories then I’m doing that as well. I’ve been putting any synopsis I find into a ring binder folder so I can easily get my hands on them when I need them… anything to make my life easier. Sadly to say most of what I found has to do with The Lines of Marsden… I have 6 ring binders and a couple of large business-size envelopes filled to the gills with that series. I love re-reading it just to see how much the story has veered away from where I was originally taking it. I would say it’s been fun, but the truth is, it has been hard freaking work trying to get everything in the right order… especially when like an idiot I made a rookie mistake and didn’t number/label the pages correctly. So I still have to go through and work out what page 3 etc goes where. next year I’ll make sure if I’m writing anything in longhand I’ll label it correctly (EG> MR1:CtMS/01-01-23). This way I’ll know what I was working on and when I was working on it. On that note, I will away and get back to my blog tidying up.

I’ve been on a sabbatical of sorts.

I’ve taken a year off to try and get my health back under control. I still have another specialist appointment scheduled for January 6th, 2023. Which will hopefully get my health back on track. For the rest of 2022, I’m just taking it easy. though I have been working on Misty River 1: Calm to My Storm.