Working On…

NJ's BooksFor the last few weeks, I have been inundated with new story ideas and it has put a strain on my ability to concentrate on my actual writing. So, I have currently stopped long enough to jot some of this stuff down until I can get back to it at a later date and sort through it and weed out the good from the bad and actually see if any of it’s worth keeping. I have also been looking for character images to go along with some of the more prominent ones that I know I’ll keep for sure.

They just drive me nuts until I can write them down and clear up some headspace. Somedays I feel like my head is so full with my characters and the story they want to reveal to us all that I can’t even think straight until I get their basics down. At the moment it’s Dominic Berrington and Cody Warren talking to me. I don’t have a clue what their story is called yet. I do know Dominic used to date Cody’s sister Celia and left for three years before returning home. I’ll let you know about the others when I figure them out.